From: Andrew Robertson <>
Date: 07/04/2009 19:20:15 UTC
Subject: ODG: Obligations V conference announcement

Dear colleagues,


We are very pleased to announce that the Fifth Biennial Conference on the

Law of Obligations will be held at the University of Oxford from 14-16 July

2010 on the theme 'Rights and Private Law'. Obligations V will be co-hosted

by the University of Oxford Faculty of Law and Melbourne Law School. A call

for papers will be issued later this year.

The biennial Obligations conferences bring together scholars, practitioners

and judges from common law countries to discuss issues in contract, tort,

equity and restitution. The first two of these conferences were held at the

University of Melbourne: the first in 2002 ('The Law of Obligations:

Connections and Boundaries') and the second in 2004 ('Principle and Policy

in Private Law'). The third was held at the University of Queensland in 2006

('Justifying Remedies in Private Law') and the fourth at the National

University of Singapore in 2008 ('The Goals of Private Law').

Best wishes,

Donal Nolan and Andrew Robertson